Monday, July 23, 2007

Term 1 goals

Didn't make any school goals.

Term 2 goals.

My goal is to write neater and slope and maybe link. I will know when I have achieved this by looking back in my book to the start and see if my writing has changed. I will achieve this by the end of the term.

I think I have achieved this goal because I have got a lot neeter and sloped a little bit but I didn't really link at all.

Term 2 goals.

My goal is to try and get at lest 3-4 of my non negotiables finished.
I will know when I have achieved this by ticking off the non negotiables I have finished. I will achieve this by the end of the term.

I achieved this goal because I got alot more then 3-4 non negotables done but I didn't tick the ones I finished off.

Term 3 goals

Personal goal.
My goal is to not have tears at gym and try new things.
I will no when I have achieved this goal because I could get to nationals and will of got a whole lot more moves.
I also need to get over my fear of doing new things and just give them a go.

Term 3 goals

Second goal.
My goal is to get more non negotiables done and not just stick to one non negotiable the hole time.
How will I achieve this goal: I will do about half an hour on each non negotiable and start straight away. I will try not to waste time fluffing around.
I will no when I have achieved this goal because I would of got all of my non negotiables done.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Greeny blue sea
Movement, rolling, curling
There's a beautiful underworld


You smell like a beautiful new red rose blosseming,
you look like a shinning star in the night sky,
you feel like a pool of water smooth and adictive,
you pull me closer and closer just like a magnet,
you have a very special loving touch,
that lives in the middle of my heart,
thats where it will always stay.


Brown and green leaves
Free falling and twisting
a current of air brushing me

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Farm poem


The farm is a memory of when we were young,
with lots of cow and sheep dung,
long grass and fresh air brings our family togerther and kids everywere.

There's a beautiful view of the beach,
Sometimes I wish I could put my hand out and reach.

The farm is like a huge green land,
You can walk down to the beach and get lots of sand.

The animals are big cute and always around,
Leaving presents all over the ground.

Every few years we go mushrooming,
Cooking it up with meat that is lean.

Every few years easter come's around,
Leaving easter eggs scattered all of the ground,
We have fun hunting for eggs,
Sometimes there are clues hanging by pegs.

Our farm seams very famous because of Mercedes Bend,
Where the path will lead us to were the farm may end.

By Anna and Ellie. (2006)

Term 3 goals.

School goals.
First goal.
My goal is to read more at home and at school.
How will I achieve this: By getting a book from home or from the library and read on my free days and get straight into reading when its d.e.a.r time.
I will also read in bed for half an hour.
I no I will have achieved this goal because I should of finished atleast 2-3 books by the end of this term.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reflection 19 July 2007

How do I treat people from different cultures?
Different then I would treat someone from New Zealand.
I now no that there just the same as us they have feelings just like us and think just like us and do the same things.

How are people from different cultures the same?
Because they think the same do the same things and are just like me and everyone else just cause they look different and may speak anouther language doesn't mean there completly different. They may look completly different and sound completly different but its whats on the inside that really matters.

How can we make new people feel welcome?

What might I have done that makes people feel different?

Term 1 goals

Term 1 goal.

Personal goal:
To try and get to natinals for gymnastics.
I will know tht I have achieved this because when we've finished the competion season they will annouce who goes to natinals.

I didn't achieve this goal because I didn't get to natinals but I tried my best.

Term 2 goals.

1. My goal is to get to nationals for gymnastic.
I will know when I have achieved this by thinking what routine I had in my first competition and see how much I have improved and what harder moves I’ve put in.
I will achieve this by the end of the year when they announce who goes to nationals.

I didn't achieve this goal because I didn't get to natinals but I tried my best.